American Bar Association Report #112 – conversion therapy should be illegal

In August of this year, the American Bar Association (ABA) adopted resolutions condemning conversion therapy and urging government bodies to adopt laws banning the practice.

Summary of the Resolution:

The proposed Resolution is to put the American Bar Association on record as recognizing that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people have the right be free from attempts to change their sexual orientation or gender identity, which have been condemned as ineffective and harmful by every major medical and mental health association in the country, and as supporting legislation, regulation, and litigation to bring an end to conversion therapy, including laws protecting minors from being subjected to conversion therapy by state-licensed mental health professionals

The three specific resolutions adopted:

RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association recognizes that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people have the right to be free from attempts to change their sexual orientation or gender identity;

FURTHER RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments to enact laws that prohibit state-licensed professionals from using conversion therapy on minors; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments to protect minors, particularly minors in their care, from being subjected to conversion therapy by state-licensed professionals.

Read and download the full report here:
ABA_Report_112 _Conversion_Therapy_August_2015.pdf

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