SAMHSA Report: Ending Conversion Therapy

In October the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, released a report titled:

Ending Conversion Therapy:
Supporting and Affirming LGBTQ Youth

Key Findings

This report and its recommendations are based on consensus statements developed by experts in the field after a careful review of existing research, professional health association reports and summaries, and expert clinical guidance. The consensus statements highlight areas of the ethical and scientific foundations most relevant to the practice of conversion therapy with minors. A full list of the consensus statements is found in the body of this report; key statements that form the underpinnings of the guidance in this report are provided here.

• Same-gender sexual orientation (including identity, behavior, and attraction) and variations in gender identity and gender expression are a part of the normal spectrum of human diversity and do not constitute a mental disorder.

• There is limited research on conversion therapy efforts among children and adolescents; however, none of the existing research supports the premise that mental or behavioral health interventions can alter gender identity or sexual orientation.

• Interventions aimed at a fixed outcome,such as gender conformity or heterosexual orientation, including those aimed at changing gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation are coercive, can be harmful,and should not be part of behavioral health treatment. (American Psychiatric Association, 2013b; American Psychological Association, 2010; National Association of Social Workers, 2008).

Read and download the full report here:
Ending_Conversion_Therapy_SAMHSA Report_October 2015.pdf

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American Bar Association Report #112 – conversion therapy should be illegal

In August of this year, the American Bar Association (ABA) adopted resolutions condemning conversion therapy and urging government bodies to adopt laws banning the practice.

Summary of the Resolution:

The proposed Resolution is to put the American Bar Association on record as recognizing that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people have the right be free from attempts to change their sexual orientation or gender identity, which have been condemned as ineffective and harmful by every major medical and mental health association in the country, and as supporting legislation, regulation, and litigation to bring an end to conversion therapy, including laws protecting minors from being subjected to conversion therapy by state-licensed mental health professionals

The three specific resolutions adopted:

RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association recognizes that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people have the right to be free from attempts to change their sexual orientation or gender identity;

FURTHER RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments to enact laws that prohibit state-licensed professionals from using conversion therapy on minors; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, That the American Bar Association urges all federal, state, local, territorial and tribal governments to protect minors, particularly minors in their care, from being subjected to conversion therapy by state-licensed professionals.

Read and download the full report here:
ABA_Report_112 _Conversion_Therapy_August_2015.pdf

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Regional Premiers of Tyler’s Suite

Tyler's Suite

For more information, visit the Tyler Clementi website

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Peter Drake asked to join the NCLR’s advisory committee on ending gay conversion therapy

(San Francisco, CA, October 22, 2014)—Today, the National Center for Lesbian Rights announced the formation of the #BornPerfect Advisory Committee, a group of conversion therapy survivors, child welfare and mental health experts, and faith leaders with unique insights into the harms of conversion therapy.

NCLR’s #BornPerfect campaign is a national effort aimed at ending conversion therapy in the next five years by passing laws across the country to protect LGBT youth, fighting in courtrooms to ensure their safety, and raising awareness about the serious harms caused by these dangerous practices. The campaign is managed by Samantha Ames, an attorney at NCLR who focuses on conversion therapy and youth issues.

“The time is long overdue for the United States to address the severe harms inflicted on young LGBT people and their families by purveyors of these dangerous and discredited practices,” said Ames. “Persuading the Committee Against Torture to take up the issue of conversion therapy on the international stage has the potential to save the lives of countless LGBT youth in the United States and around the world. Many of the same groups who advocate in favor of conversion therapy in the United States have supported laws in other countries criminalizing LGBT people, such as the ‘Kill the Gays’ bill in Uganda. These laws are often linked with attempts to ‘cure’ sexual orientation or gender identity, whether by coercion or force. Conversion therapy is damaging our human rights record both at home and around the world and creating a crisis the United Nations can and should address this November.”

Read the full press release here:

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10 Reasons God Loves Gay Christians

Matthew Vines, Time Magazine, June 11, 2014

The author of “God and the Gay Christian” shares his 10 reasons why God loves Gay Christians:

  1. The term “homosexual” didn’t exist until 1892.
  2. Sexual orientation is a new concept—one that the Christian tradition hasn’t addressed.
  3. Celibacy is a gift, not a mandate.
  4. Condemning same-sex relationships is harmful to the LGBT community.
  5. Sodom and Gomorrah involved an attempted gang rape, not a loving relationship.
  6. The prohibitions in Leviticus don’t apply to Christians.
  7. Paul condemns same-sex lust, not love.
  8. Marriage is about commitment.
  9. Human beings are relational.
  10. Faithful Christians are already embracing LGBT brothers and sisters.

Read the Full Article

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Why Tyler?

by Dr. Tim Seeling, Artistic Director, San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus

The question has been asked “Why Tyler?

There are so many answers to this question. Tyler represented a true turning point in the progression of what we know of as bullying. His case brought to light what can happen in this age of technology and social media. We often hear about “at risk youth” and sometimes forget that there are countless youth who would never fall into a category such as that who are in an equally fragile place.

Why sing about this?

Because we live in a world that is not close to safe for LGBTQ young people. We are responsible for bringing this into the light and accountable if we do nothing to make it better.

That is why we are singing this music – to bring awareness – and, hopefully – create something safe and lasting.

To the world, Tyler had it all. He had just begun college at a great school – Rutgers. He had a wonderful, salt of the earth, family. Two brothers, mom and dad. He had music at the core of his being – a music major. He had just come out and was not thrown out or disowned. And yet, as he began to experience life as a young gay man, something terrible happened. His roommate secretly filmed him and posted it on social media.

Tyler felt he had nowhere to turn, no recourse. He was caught in the depths of despair and for him the only way out was to jump from the George Washington bridge and end his life.

What if?

What if Tyler had heard a gay men’s chorus sing songs of affirmation – or the stories of others who have found themselves in the depths of despair. He may not have felt so alone and without options.

This is only part of why we are proudly singing this music.

Details of the project

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RBGG Files Amicus Briefs on Behalf of Anti-Gay Therapy Survivors

San Francisco – March 1, 2013 –Rosen Bien Galvan & Grunfeld LLP, representing survivors of the anti-gay therapies known as “sexual orientation change efforts” (or SOCE) and the sister of a man who committed suicide after being subjected to SOCE as a child, filed a series of Amicus Curiae briefs with the U.S. Supreme Court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

In the Amicus briefs, James Guay, Ryan Kendall, Peter Drake, Emily Kane, John Metzidis, and Maris Ehlers recount their powerful stories of the damage and pain that they and their families suffered because they were exposed to these discredited and dangerous therapies designed to alter fundamental parts of their identities that cannot and should not be changed. Their stories also reveal the stigmatizing effect of the discrimination and prejudice that has been and continues to be directed at gay men and lesbians.

“Our clients, who were subjected to horrific discrimination and abuse simply because they or their family members were gay, are speaking out strongly in these briefs in support of equal rights for all citizens,” said Sanford Jay Rosen, founding partner of Rosen Bien Galvan & Grunfeld. “In this watershed moment in the history of the gay rights movement in the United States, SOCE survivors are determined to make their voices heard.”

On February 28, 2013 the SOCE survivors filed an Amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in Hollingsworth v. Perry, the challenge to California’s Proposition 8, which denies gay men and lesbian women the right to marry the person whom they love solely on the basis of their sexual orientation. On March 1, the survivors filed an Amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in United States v. Windsor, the challenge to the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which bars the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages. The survivors urge the Supreme Court to strike down both laws. Oral argument will be heard by the Supreme Court in Hollingsworth v. Perry on March 26, and inUnited States v. Windsor on March 27.

In each case, the SOCE survivors urged the Supreme Court to review the discriminatory laws under a heightened level of scrutiny because they single out a class of Americans based on an immutable trait central to their identity, in violation of the basic principles of who we are as a nation, and to affirm the landmark decisions of the Ninth Circuit and Second Circuit Courts of Appeals finding Proposition 8 and DOMA unconstitutional.

The Ninth Circuit briefs, which were filed in early February, urge the Court of Appeals to uphold California’s Senate Bill 1172. This new law protects lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth from the serious psychological harms caused by state-licensed therapists who use junk science in the guise of SOCE “therapy” to try to change their patients’ sexual orientation. Two separate lawsuits challenge the California law’s constitutionality. In Pickup v. Brown, the judge denied a motion to delay enforcement of SB 1172 until the case is resolved, whereas in Welch v. Brown, the judge granted a motion to prevent enforcement of the law against the three plaintiffs in that case. Oral argument in both cases will be heard before the one panel of judges in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on April 17, 2013.


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The Gay Guide to Wedded Bliss

Liza Munda, The Atlantic, June 2013

Research finds that same-sex unions are happier than heterosexual marriages. What can gay and lesbian couples teach straight ones about living in harmony?

This article in The Atlantic looks at the traditional arguments against same-sex marriage, and then explores the many ways in which same-sex marriage might actually save the institution of marriage.

Read the full article

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Gay ‘Conversion Therapy’ Faces Test in Courts

Erik Eckholm, The New York Times, November 27, 2012

Gay ‘conversion therapy,’ which claims to help men overcome unwanted same-sex attractions but has been widely attacked as unscientific and harmful, is facing its first tests in the courtroom.

In New Jersey, former “conversion therapy” clients have sued a prominent therapy group charging it with deceptive practices and claiming that they were emotionally scarred.

In California, so-called ex-gay therapists are challenging a state law that bans conversion therapy for minors.

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Peter Drake on the Dr. Oz Show

PeterDr.ozDr. Oz hosts a discussion about reparative therapy. Find out what it is and what the experts have to say. Then, Dr. Oz investigates what happens during reparative therapy. Watch and see what goes in a reparative therapy retreat.

Watch the videos:
Episode: Gay-Straight Therapy, Part 1
Episode: Gay-Straight Therapy, Part 2
Episode: Gay-Straight Therapy, Part 3
Episode: Gay-Straight Therapy, Part 4
Episode: Gay-Straight Therapy, Part 5

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